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What is Read Across America Week ? 

Happy Read Across America Week!!!!!

What is Read Across America Week? Read Across America Week is a week dedicated to celebrating reading across the world. The actual day, March 2nd is recognized as Read Across America Day in honor of Dr. Suess’s birthday.

I challenge every parent to read at least 15 minutes with their scholar this week. Find the joy in reading. There are so many lessons that are taught through books. Below is a sample of questions you can use to help your scholar gain a deeper understanding of various books.

  1. What was the story about? (Who, what, when, where)

  2. How would you describe each character in the story?

  3. What was the problem in the story? What was the solution?

  4. What life lesson did the author want you to learn?

  5. Does this remind you of anything you have experienced in your own life?

  6. What did you enjoy most about the book?

  7. What was your least favorite part of the book and why?

  8. Why do you think the author wrote this book?

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