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Reading Bootcamp 

Hey There!


Welcome to our Reading Bootcamp, a transformative learning experience designed exclusively for third and fourth-grade students! This intensive and empowering class is crafted to supercharge your child's reading abilities, enhance their comprehension skills, and instill a lifelong love for reading.

Course Overview: The Reading Bootcamp is an immersive and dynamic program that focuses on elevating students' reading proficiency to new heights. Through a blend of engaging activities, challenging exercises, and strategic interventions, participants will develop critical reading skills, expand their vocabulary, and cultivate a deeper appreciation for literature.​

Reading Bootcamp

Course Objectives:

  1. Advanced Phonics and Word Recognition: Students will reinforce their phonics knowledge, mastering more complex letter combinations and understanding multi-syllabic word structures. This skill will aid in decoding unfamiliar words and improving reading fluency.

  2. Reading Comprehension Strategies: Through targeted instruction and practice, students will learn various comprehension strategies, such as making predictions, identifying main ideas, drawing inferences, and making connections between texts and personal experiences.

  3. Critical Thinking: The class will encourage critical thinking and analytical skills by exploring different genres, discussing themes, and engaging in thought-provoking discussions about the texts read.

  4. Vocabulary Enrichment: Students will encounter a diverse range of words, expanding their vocabulary and honing their ability to understand and use new words effectively in their reading and writing.

  5. Fluency and Expression: With guided reading sessions and expressive reading exercises, students will improve their fluency and expression, reading with appropriate phrasing, tone, and emotion.

  6. Independent Reading Habits: The class will foster a culture of independent reading, encouraging students to explore a variety of age-appropriate books and fostering a lifelong love for reading.

  7. Genre Exploration: Students will delve into various literary genres, including fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and more, broadening their understanding of different writing styles and formats.

  8. Reading for Different Purposes: Participants will develop the ability to read for different purposes, such as gaining information, entertainment, or inspiration.

  9. Book Discussions: The class will facilitate book discussions to encourage students to share their thoughts and insights about the books they read, promoting critical thinking and communication skills.

  • Who: 3rd/4th graders  

  • When: Every Saturday 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Begins September 16th), 12-week program

  • Where: 201 Riverside Dr., Suite 2A, Dayton, OH, 45405

  • Registration Fee: $75 (non-refundable)

  • Price: $150/mo 

  • Payment Dates 

    • September 8th

    • October 6th

    • November 3rd  

ACE Approved Families 

- ACE cannot be used on the registration fee 

- - Parents/guardians have to pay out of pocket by the due date and then submit paid invoices through the Merit app to be reimbursed through ACE

Cancellation Policy:  All sales are final.  There are no exchanges or refunds. 

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